Welcome to the Alumni portal of the Anna Fiorentini Theatre and Film School.

This page is where all past students can find information about staying in touch and getting involved in School activities. As we gear up for our big Shows in the New Year, we are determined to gather together as many of our Alumni as possible to become involved!

This page is our call to action for all of our School’s wonderful Alumni!

Find below a list of options for getting involved. So much work was put in by our staff members to ensure your time in the School was a wonderful experience that bestowed valuable skills and hopefully helped you make friends for life! Please consider putting some of your time and energy into our Alumni projects to give back as a way of saying thank you! You will also gain valuable insight into the behind-the-scenes work that is required to keep the School and the Shows running. Your help will make a huge difference to the School!

You can get involved by filling in a form below, messaging us on our social media accounts or by contacting Head Office at hello@afperformingarts.com

Five Ways to Get Involved as an Alumnus

Consider Volunteering at our Shows

Our shows are a huge undertaking for the School, and we are in great need of as many volunteers as possible to assist backstage. Please consider offering just one day of your time to become involved with the exciting work that takes place to ensure the smooth running of our shows including our Hackney Empire show. Other shows include our Greenwich and Camden showcases. This is a wonderful opportunity to give back to the School.


Take Part in a Charity Lipsync

In order to raise money for children with or affected by cancer to attend our school for much needed fun and respite, we always stage a Lipsync Extravaganza at our Hackney Empire Shows and our Stage & the City Showcases. All participants must try their best to raise at least £100 for the cause, before rehearsing and performing a lipsync number on stage during the Show. This event is always lots of fun and is a chance for you to raise money for a worthy cause and also fully immerse yourself in the action of the show.


Become a Trustee or Join the Advisory Board

Please consider becoming more deeply involved with the School by becoming a Trustee of the Fiorentini Foundation, where you will be involved in steering decisions about the future of the Foundation alongside Anna Fiorentini, the founder of the organisation.

You could also consider joining our Alumni Advisory Board, a new body comprised of some of our brilliant alumni, who will meet to brainstorm about the best ways to enrich the School as it moves into the future.


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